Luke Haseldine 21st November 2007

I hadn’t seen Les for a long time – probably 10 years. I just lost track of him – and he of me. It happens. There’s no reason to it. We didn’t fall out or anything – our lives just moved on, that’s all. It happens. ...But now it’s hard to accept that the opportunity of a chance meeting, has completely gone. What John recounted at the funeral about Les having a ‘network’ of friends all over the country and that at one time he’d just travel around and around visiting them individually - only resting to collect a Giro - it was so true. I think it would be very fitting to keep everyone in contact with each other, as much as is possible. In other words, keep Les’ ‘network’ of friends connected....and I’d like to see a section on this website – or a place on another site if one is built – where we can all place and update our contact details. I think he’d like that. Thinking of you Les, Luke. Luke Haseldine